
Sometimes we forget how fortunate we are to have family and friends. It happens when we are faced with situations that prevent us from looking at things objectively. I am sure that we have all been in this position but we are all really blessed to be alive and able to make some contribution to this world.

In a world that is constantly changing we have to sometimes take a moment to stop and smell the roses. When it comes to the little things we tend to forget how they can profoundly bring joy into our lives. As for myself, I sometimes am guilty of forgetting but its these moments that really bring me back to where I need to be.

I am blessed to have a loving and supporting family.
I am blessed to have a circle of friends who love me unconditionally.
I am blessed to be alive and have the right to free-thoughts.
I am blessed that I have opportunities to succeed and learn from my failures.
I am blessed to be me.

Try this exercise out for yourself and believe me it will make you feel great!

  1. Mitesh on Tuesday 22, 2009

    Can’t Wait to try it out!

    This inspired an idea. How about a section on the blog that allows people to share what they are most thankful for – or best life memory?