A New Chapter

It has been quite the year for It’s In Me. I started this blog with the intention of helping others. I too went through many chapters in my life – some of which have shaped who I am today. This year has been filled with stories of hope, faith, loss, and sheer optimism so that you can realize your true potential.

2009 is one year that has had many opportunities, struggles, and self-realizations for me. I learned that who you may believe is your closest friend could turn out to be a fluke. I learned that life is full of abundant surprises and that I can get through anything if I put my mind to it.

So with that noted this is the end of 2009 – where we can look back in all of its glory. Hope that things are going to get better because they have too. It is the way it works. ☺ I believe that this year has come to an end but the new year will be filled with many lessons to be learned – to make us a bit more humble and appreciative of what we have. My wish for my readers is that look forward to 2010, because it will be great to see what is to happen.

  1. Mitesh on Thursday 31, 2009

    One thing in your post that really stood out was …”the new year will be filled with many lessons to be learned – to make us a bit more humble and appreciative of what we have.”

    It is true we are not humbled or appreciative until life gives us a gentle and sometimes aggressive reality check. In the end we can only be thankful for such obstacles. As you said its learning.

    Wonderful post!

  2. Jane on Thursday 31, 2009

    2009 doesn’t seem to be a year that treated most people well. I share the same optimism as you about 2010. 🙂

  3. admin on Thursday 31, 2009

    Jane – Although we have been hit with such a large tragedy in Haiti I do believe that when great nations come together only the best can come out of it. Happy 2010!

  4. Jane on Thursday 31, 2009

    excellent point – only the best can come out of it. It just comes to show how Humans reach out when things go wrong in the world but stay enclosed when things are right. Happy 2010 to you as well 🙂