
I cannot believe that we are already 7 months into 2010. Some people have made resolutions and stuck by them while others, well they didn’t really turn into anything. I have not really made the effort to really make resolutions but I did make myself goals that related to my career and personal growth. It is never too late to make goals because the beauty is that you set your own time limit to accomplish them.

This month I want to focus on perspectives and of course, share with you material that has helped me at times when I needed it. I hope that this impacts you the way it has in my own life. The next post was something that I came across when I was in college. As a student, life often times became stressful for obvious reasons but once I read this piece of literature it helped to focus. So I hope that you enjoy it and reference it time to time. I found it amongst my work and thought it would great to share with you.

Happy Summer & Half of the Year 2010!

  1. It‘s quiet in here! Why not leave a response?