Success Is An Epiphany

Success can be defined in many ways and from many perspectives. But for the sake of being on the same page – lets define success as a ‘favorable outcome leading to the termination of attempts’. Everyone wants to be successful – I mean come on, finding success is the sole purpose of why we exist. We all set goals – small to large – and eventually most of us land on the outcome that defines success.

So why is that it becomes so difficult to find and nurture success? There are millions of books written on success and personal development, thousands of blogs that rant on the same, yet there are billions of people who are still attempting to reach success and searching for the right answer written somewhere. Why is that?

If You Hope, Dream, and Wish

So you hope that one day things will work out. You dream what it would be like to be successful. You wish that you could of done something different or have the life of another person. By hoping, dreaming, and wishing you make yourself comfortable of where you are with your life. It helps you justify why NOT to work harder.

If You Dream, Goal Set, Educate Yourself, Work Hard

So you dream of what you would like to do with your life. You set goals for yourself that you know are realistic and can help you to achieve them. You educate yourself on things that you do not fully understand. You work hard every day as an opportunity so that you can take your life one step closer to success.

So, lets be honest here. Success is an epiphany. Just remember one key element, successful people always put themselves outside their comfort zone. It is the most rewarding thing you can do.

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