Selfless Service

Have you ever come across an opportunity to do something for someone and not expect a favor in return? I find that having that type of attitude really helps you to give to others. This does not have to be monetary, just your time. I have been so fortunate to have amazing parents who have always given their time to give back to the community. Whether it was helping a family in need, or helping a community raise funds for the youth, my parents were always there. They taught me that if you give with your heart, then good things will happen to you as well. To this day, my parents are always there to lend a helping hand, no matter how busy they can be.

At times I feel like I have big shoes to fill, I mean they are the epitome of ‘selfless’ in all that they do. To this day I learn so much from them and I know it has made me a better person because of it. I love to give my time as a volunteer for many non-profits in my local community. I always get the chance to give time and I make sure that the one area that I do dedicate a lot of my time to is education. I have been fortunate to be given many opportunities to teach children art and dance for charity shows. I am grateful that I took the opportunity to spend time with many talented children in showing them the importance of culture and dance. I hope that with my dedication to community service, that I too can follow in my parent’s footsteps. If I can give as much as they have, I know that I would be a better person for it.

If we all take a step back and give our ‘time’ to another organization or within your local community I can only imagine how much we can grow as individuals. We can impact an entire community. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and it holds true to this day.
So in this time of giving make sure to give your ‘time’ to someone who may need it. You will be surprised how much you can brighten up someone’s day or even a life.

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