Start of A Season

We are approaching a new season – one of giving and one to appreciate the many blessings we have in our lives this year. It has been a rather tumultuous year around the world. We have made progress but there is so much more to be done. As we look back at the year, we should also take the time to appreciate how fortunate we are to have family, friends, and a home. Some people are not as fortunate and for them I pray and hope that the tides turn in their favor.

This is the one of the seasons that brings family and friends together that is why I love the fall and winter so much. You can go anywhere and be reminded of the warmth of the holidays. Those things are for free – the ones that you can see and take part in as a community.

This season I plan on spending time with my family and really reflecting on my goals for the following year. I like to plan ahead and it works for me. ☺

So with the start of this new season think about what you want to accomplish. It is never too late to start!

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