A Kid at Heart

I remember as a child I would take out my Crayola carousel and pretend as though I were a grown up playing make-up. It was so much fun! I also was diligent in coloring in the Looney Tunes coloring books over the Barbie dolls. I was not your normal child at all. I taught myself to write and slowly learn to recognize letters through a old newspaper. One day, my parents were a witness to it and since that day I have been a bookworm and our subscription to the newspaper comes everyday. What I am trying to say is that, when I look back I think of these moments and it makes me feel so alive. To this day, I still have a box of crayons. The Crayola Brand in a set of 120 – I wish I can get my hand on a bigger box though. I still have coloring books and I clip out important events that happen to document history for my future children. I think that we all should reflect back and try to grab that moment in time to cherish your childhood. Live your life as though it were your last day – and its okay to be a kid at heart. I am and I have never felt younger in my life! ☺ My parents have been big supporters of living your life and feeling young – I am lucky. It is not too late for you either!

  1. Natasha on Monday 6, 2009

    I remember when I was younger that I used play with my oven bake set and make brownies and cookies. I also had my set of crayola crayons and I would draw so many things 🙂

  2. admin on Monday 6, 2009

    I bet that was one great experience. It is always fun to relive those moments!

  3. julia on Monday 6, 2009

    i see it in my children..they have the same hobby with me when i was child. drawing,colouring,singing,dancing,and so on. its really makes our life more colourfull.