We have all been there at one point or another. You meet someone and your heart hears a whisper that this could be something special. You try with all of your own effort. You hear that ‘voice’ inside of you that brings out your fears and doubts. You try and try again to find a place in someone’s heart. It doesn’t always pan out that way.

Your heart wants to be able to talk openly without any regret. The heart is pure – it feels every single emotion. When someone disappoints you it feels like such a let down. I can say that when this has happened to me I fall into the trap of self-blame. We tend to blame ourselves when the other person falls short of grace, humanity, or respect. We tend to make ourselves feel so small when you did nothing wrong. Sometimes someone will say all of the right things but chose to not act on them. We are all here on a journey and it takes courage to open your heart. You should be proud of yourself for making yourself vulnerable. In love and in friendships if the person does not respect you then the hardest thing for you to do is to close that chapter. I have been there one too many times. It does get easier with time. I assure you don’t waste time blaming yourself for being you. 


Sometimes we may stumble, but that does not mean that you don’t have anyone in your life to catch you before you fall. We all go through moments in life where it may feel as though you are constantly at a standstill. It is at times frustrating, but it could also mean that there are great things that are right around the corner — waiting just for you. At times we may not be able to turn to anyone because we cannot articulate our own thoughts and feelings.

Here are a few tips to help you when you feel like you need to re-group and find your way back to your own center:

1. Start a journal.

When we cannot fully express our own thoughts and feelings we tend to look at the situation far worse than it really is. We are all human and this likely happens more often than not. This can be as simple as a piece of paper and a pen of your choice. This does not have to be an elaborate process, but just start writing out all of your own thoughts and emotions. If you are not one to use pen and paper, then use your computer. All you have to do is start with the day and time and start writing. Don’t look back at it but continue adding to your journal. This is a great way to heal, learn, and more importantly, it allows you to look forward.

2. Talk to yourself.

It may sound like an unusual request, but there is nothing wrong in talking to yourself. What I mean by this is waking up every morning and using positive affirmations to start the day. Why not wake up and embrace all the great surroundings? Don’t use this in a negative context but utilize this as an opportunity to bring your energy levels to an optimum and it will make you feel better about you. If you can see yourself through loving eyes then the world will start seeing that too!

3. Read A Book.

This is one of my most favorite hobbies, because it allows me to focus my mind on the subject at hand. Reading allows you to learn, and takes you to another place. If you like reading magazines, then go to a book store and sit down with one. You would be surprised as to how much you can grow from reading a single chapter in any book. You may be able to share insight with others and take them by surprise.

While these may sound like very simple methods in taking the first steps to putting your best foot forward I can assure you that these methods work. Sometimes the simplest of tasks can give you great results. What are some of things that you do to gain a positive and fresh perspective? Share with me!

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